
  1. 是一个二叉搜索树
  2. 左右子树高度之差的绝对值$$1
  3. \(n_h\)为高度为\(h\)的AVL树的最小节点数,则\(n_h = n_{h-1}+n_{h-2}+1\)
    1. 可以求得,\(n_h=Fibonacci_{h+2}-1\)
    2. \(Fibonacci_{h+2} ≈ \frac{1}{\sqrt5}(\frac{1+\sqrt 5}{2})^i\)



2.1 BST 插入


2.2 平衡调整

  • 找到平衡因子为±2的节点
    • 平衡因子 = 左子树高度 - 右子树高度
  • 找插入新节点后,失去平衡的最小子树(只考虑3个节点)
    • 距离插入节点最近
    • 以平衡因子为±2的节点作为根
    • 子节点的平衡因子为±1
  • 是哪一种类型,要根据 平衡因子为±2的节点 与 插入的节点 的相对位置来判断

2.2.1 LL型:右旋

  • B为根,B的右子树变为A的左子树(中为支,高右转)



2.2.2 RR型:左旋

  • B为根,B的左子树变为A的右子树(中为支,高左转)



2.2.3 LR型:左右旋

  • C为根,C的左子树变为B的右子树,C的右子树变为A的左子树(下二整体先左转,后与LL同)



2.2.4 RL型:右左旋

  • C为根,C的左子树变为A的右子树,C的右子树变为B的左子树(下二整体先右转,后与RR同)



三、 删除

3.1 BST删除

  • 叶节点:直接删除
  • 只有一个子节点:直接删除,子节点顶替父节点的位置
  • 有两个子节点:以下两种方法选一个即可
    • 找左子树的最右节点,顶替父节点的位置,然后删掉左子树的最右节点
    • 找右子树的最左节点,顶替父节点的位置,然后删掉右子树的最左节点

3.2 平衡调整

  • 因为删除的是右子树中的节点,因此只可能是右子树的深度-1
  • 左子树比右子树深2,因此只需要右旋一次即可


4.1 旋转

AVL* RotateLeft(AVL* root) {//左旋,根的右儿子变成根,根变为左儿子
AVL* temp = root->rch;
root->rch = temp->lch;
temp->lch = root;

return temp;
AVL* RotateRight(AVL* root) {//右旋,根的左儿子变为根,根变为右儿子
AVL* temp = root->lch;
root->lch = temp->rch;
temp->rch = root;
return temp;
AVL* RotateLeftRight(AVL* root) {//左右旋,先左旋左儿子,再右旋根
root->lch = RotateLeft(root->lch);
root = RotateRight(root);
return root;
AVL* RotateRightLeft(AVL* root) {//右左旋,先右旋右儿子,再左旋根
root->rch = RotateRight(root->rch);
root = RotateLeft(root);
return root;

4.2 插入

AVL* Insert(AVL* root, int data) {//插入data
if (root == NULL) {
root = new AVL();
root->data = data;
root->lch = NULL;
root->rch = NULL;
root->height = 1;
root->sum = 1;
root->size = 1;
return root;
else if (data == root->data) {
return root;
else if (data < root->data) {//data插入到左子树
root->lch = Insert(root->lch, data);
if (root != NULL && GetBalance(root) == 2) {//左子树过深
if (GetBalance(root->lch) == -1) {//LR型
root = RotateLeftRight(root);
else {//LL型
root = RotateRight(root);
else {
root->rch = Insert(root->rch, data);
if (root != NULL && GetBalance(root) == -2) {//右子树过深
if (GetBalance(root->rch) == 1) {//RL型
root = RotateRightLeft(root);
else {//RR型
root = RotateLeft(root);
return root;

4.3 删除

AVL* Delte(AVL* root, int key, int delta) {
if (root == NULL)return NULL;
if (key < root->data) {
root->lch = Delte(root->lch, key, delta);
if (root != NULL && GetBalance(root) == -2) {//右子树过深
if (GetBalance(root->rch) == 1) {//RL型
root = RotateRightLeft(root);
else {//RR型
root = RotateLeft(root);
return root;
else if (key > root->data) {
root->rch = Delte(root->rch, key, delta);
if (root != NULL && GetBalance(root) == 2) {//左子树过深
if (GetBalance(root->lch) == -1) {//LR型
root = RotateLeftRight(root);
else {//LL型
root = RotateRight(root);
return root;
else {//找到该值,进行删除操作
root->sum -= delta;
root->size -= delta;
if (root->sum > 0)return root;
if (root->lch != NULL && root->rch != NULL) {//不是叶节点
AVL* temp = FindNext(root, key);//找到比key大的最小的数
root->data = temp->data;
root->sum = temp->sum;//将后继节点替换当前节点
root->rch = Delte(root->rch, temp->data, Inf);
if (root != NULL && GetBalance(root) == 2) {//左子树过深
if (GetBalance(root->lch) == -1) {//LR型
root = RotateLeftRight(root);
else {//LL型
root = RotateRight(root);
return root;
else {//删除的点的度数为0/1
AVL* temp = root;
if (root->lch == NULL)root = root->rch;
else if (root->rch == NULL)root = root->lch;
delete temp;
return root;

4.4 查找某数是第几大

int GetRank(AVL* root, int key) {
if (root == NULL)return 0;
if (key == root->data)//key == 当前节点的值
return GetSize(root->lch) + 1;
else if (key > root->data)//key > 当前节点的值 ==> 在右子树里面
return GetSize(root->lch) + root->sum + GetRank(root->rch, key);
else //key < 当前节点的值 ==> 在左子树里面
return GetRank(root->lch, key);

4.5 找第k大数

AVL* FindByRank(AVL* root, int rank) {
if (rank > GetSize(root->lch) + root->sum)//比左子树+自己大 ==> 在右子树里
return FindByRank(root->rch, rank - GetSize(root->lch) - root->sum);
else if (rank > GetSize(root->lch))//比左子树大 ==> 就是自己
return root;
else//比左子树小 ==> 在左子树里
return FindByRank(root->lch, rank);

4.6 前驱

AVL* FindPre(AVL* root, int key) {//找比key小的最大的数
AVL* ans = NULL;
while (root != NULL) {
if (key <= root->data){//root>key,在左子树,注意等号成立时依旧需要向下找
root = root->lch;
if(ans==NULL || ans->data < root->data)ans=root;
root = root->rch;
return ans;

4.7 后继

AVL* FindNext(AVL* root, int key) {//找比key大的最小的数
AVL* ans = NULL;
while (root != NULL) {
if (key < root->data){//root>key,在左子树
if(ans==NULL || ans->data > root->data)ans=root;
root = root->lch;
root = root->rch;
return ans;


For an AVL tree, the balance factors of all the non-leaf nodes are 0 iff the tree is a complete binary tree.

  • 题目意思:对于一棵 AVL 树,当该树是完全二叉树时,所有非叶节点的平衡因子为 0
  • 答案:F
  • 解答:完全二叉树的最底层不一定是满的,满二叉树的最底层才是满的


  • 除第 h 层外,其它各层 (1~h-1) 的结点数都达到最大个数
  • 第 h 层所有的结点都连续集中在最左边


附录 总代码

#pragma warning(disable:4996)
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
struct AVL {
int data;
int height;
int sum;
int size;
AVL* lch, * rch;
const int Inf = 1e5;
AVL* root = NULL;
int GetHeight(AVL*);
int GetBalance(AVL*);
int GetSize(AVL*);
void Update(AVL*);
AVL* RotateLeft(AVL*);
AVL* RotateRight(AVL*);
AVL* RotateLeftRight(AVL*);
AVL* RotateRightLeft(AVL*);

AVL* Insert(AVL*, int);
AVL* Delte(AVL*, int, int);
int GetRank(AVL*, int);
AVL* FindByRank(AVL*, int);
AVL* FindPre(AVL*, int);
AVL* FindNext(AVL*, int);
int main() {
//freopen("out.txt", "w", stdout);
int n, op, x;
scanf("%d", &n);
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
scanf("%d%d", &op, &x);
AVL* temp = NULL;
if (op == 1)root = Insert(root, x);
else if (op == 2)root = Delte(root, x, 1);
else if (op == 3)printf("%d\n", GetRank(root, x));
else if (op == 4)temp = FindByRank(root, x);
else if (op == 5)temp = FindPre(root, x);
else if (op == 6)temp = FindNext(root, x);
if (temp != NULL)printf("%d\n", temp->data);
return 0;
int GetHeight(AVL* root) {
if (root == NULL)return 0;
else return root->height;
int GetBalance(AVL* root) {
if (root == NULL)return 0;
else return GetHeight(root->lch) - GetHeight(root->rch);
int GetSize(AVL* root) {
if (root == NULL)return 0;
else return root->size;
void Update(AVL* root) {
if (root == NULL)return;
root->height = max(GetHeight(root->lch), GetHeight(root->rch)) + 1;
root->size = GetSize(root->lch) + GetSize(root->rch) + root->sum;
AVL* RotateLeft(AVL* root) {//左旋,根的右儿子变成根,根变为左儿子
AVL* temp = root->rch;
root->rch = temp->lch;
temp->lch = root;

return temp;
AVL* RotateRight(AVL* root) {//右旋,根的左儿子变为根,根变为右儿子
AVL* temp = root->lch;
root->lch = temp->rch;
temp->rch = root;
return temp;
AVL* RotateLeftRight(AVL* root) {//左右旋,先左旋左儿子,再右旋根
root->lch = RotateLeft(root->lch);
root = RotateRight(root);
return root;
AVL* RotateRightLeft(AVL* root) {//右左旋,先右旋右儿子,再左旋根
root->rch = RotateRight(root->rch);
root = RotateLeft(root);
return root;
AVL* Insert(AVL* root, int data) {//插入data
if (root == NULL) {
root = new AVL();
root->data = data;
root->lch = NULL;
root->rch = NULL;
root->height = 1;
root->sum = 1;
root->size = 1;
return root;
else if (data == root->data) {
return root;
else if (data < root->data) {//data插入到左子树
root->lch = Insert(root->lch, data);
if (root != NULL && GetBalance(root) == 2) {//左子树过深
if (GetBalance(root->lch) == -1) {//LR型
root = RotateLeftRight(root);
else {//LL型
root = RotateRight(root);
else {
root->rch = Insert(root->rch, data);
if (root != NULL && GetBalance(root) == -2) {//右子树过深
if (GetBalance(root->rch) == 1) {//RL型
root = RotateRightLeft(root);
else {//RR型
root = RotateLeft(root);
return root;

AVL* Delte(AVL* root, int key, int delta) {
if (root == NULL)return NULL;
if (key < root->data) {
root->lch = Delte(root->lch, key, delta);
if (root != NULL && GetBalance(root) == -2) {//右子树过深
if (GetBalance(root->rch) == 1) {//RL型
root = RotateRightLeft(root);
else {//RR型
root = RotateLeft(root);
return root;
else if (key > root->data) {
root->rch = Delte(root->rch, key, delta);
if (root != NULL && GetBalance(root) == 2) {//左子树过深
if (GetBalance(root->lch) == -1) {//LR型
root = RotateLeftRight(root);
else {//LL型
root = RotateRight(root);
return root;
else {//找到该值,进行删除操作
root->sum -= delta;
root->size -= delta;
if (root->sum > 0)return root;
if (root->lch != NULL && root->rch != NULL) {//不是叶节点
AVL* temp = FindNext(root, key);//找到比key大的最小的数
root->data = temp->data;
root->sum = temp->sum;//将后继节点替换当前节点
root->rch = Delte(root->rch, temp->data, Inf);
if (root != NULL && GetBalance(root) == 2) {//左子树过深
if (GetBalance(root->lch) == -1) {//LR型
root = RotateLeftRight(root);
else {//LL型
root = RotateRight(root);
return root;
else {//删除的点的度数为0/1
AVL* temp = root;
if (root->lch == NULL)root = root->rch;
else if (root->rch == NULL)root = root->lch;
delete temp;
return root;
int GetRank(AVL* root, int key) {
if (root == NULL)return 0;
if (key == root->data)//key == 当前节点的值
return GetSize(root->lch) + 1;
else if (key > root->data)//key > 当前节点的值 ==> 在右子树里面
return GetSize(root->lch) + root->sum + GetRank(root->rch, key);
else //key < 当前节点的值 ==> 在左子树里面
return GetRank(root->lch, key);
AVL* FindByRank(AVL* root, int rank) {
if (rank > GetSize(root->lch) + root->sum)//比左子树+自己大 ==> 在右子树里
return FindByRank(root->rch, rank - GetSize(root->lch) - root->sum);
else if (rank > GetSize(root->lch))//比左子树大 ==> 就是自己
return root;
else//比左子树小 ==> 在左子树里
return FindByRank(root->lch, rank);
AVL* FindPre(AVL* root, int key) {//找比key小的最大的数
AVL* ans = NULL;
while (root != NULL) {
if (key <= root->data) {//root>key,在左子树
root = root->lch;
else {//root<key,在右子树
if (ans == NULL || ans->data < root->data)ans = root;
root = root->rch;
return ans;
AVL* FindNext(AVL* root, int key) {//找比key大的最小的数
AVL* ans = NULL;
while (root != NULL) {
if (key < root->data) {//root>key,在左子树
if (ans == NULL || ans->data > root->data)ans = root;
root = root->lch;
else {//root<key,在右子树
root = root->rch;
return ans;